Nations to Nations (N2N) is a ministry of Youth With A Mission International. Called to mobilize people from all Nations to all Nations, to celebrate our diversity and Unity in God.
Our goal is to see Revelations 7:9 lived and nurtured here on earth for as it is written, in eternity …
… People gathered, from many nations, tribes and peoples, clothed in their national costumes, celebrating God in His diversity and uniqueness. Songs, dances, prayers and sounds resounded throughout the place; praises and worship is uttered in many languages; everyone is celebrating and honoring God’s creation, celebrating Him in all Peoples, Tribes and Nations.
Nations to Nations is an international movement that seeks to restore the identity, dignity and destiny of nations. As a movement within Youth with a Mission, we seek to work with the body of Christ and invite all to come to the celebration before throne of God. The God of creations started with a man and a woman in the Garden, and it will end with every tongue, tribe, people and nation in His presence!
Join us for our next N2N DTS in Bangkok